Present simple
- Se foloseşte prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevărate şi rutine in special când specificam cât de des.
- Ex: The planets go round the sun.
- Venus orbits the sun.
- Flowers bloom in the spring.
- Sound travels al 332 metres per second.
- My father never gets up late
- I have breakfast al eight o’clock.
- The Prime Minister always addresses parliament on Tuesday.
- I don’t smoke.
- They never take their holidays in the summer.
- Se foloseşte uneori in istorisirea de povesti sau glume despre trecut
- Ex: I walk into the shop and ask for the ring and the woman behind the counter tells me they’re closed!
- Se foloseşte in comentarii când se descrie scurte acţiuni îndeplinite cum au fost descrise
- Ex: So, now I break the egg, add it to the other ingredients and put the mixture in the pan.
- Se poate folosi la exprimarea viitorului când se refera la un timp anume
- Ex: Our bus arrives at 11.15 on Wednesday morning.
- Our plane leaves at 6 am tomorrow morning.
- The film starts al 8 pm.
- School starts again next Monday.
- Se poate folosi după if, when, until, as soon as, before, after, când o alta parte a propoziţiei indică viitorul
Ex: We’ll have plenty of time for lunch if the train arrives on time.
When you get here, we’ll visit the museum.
Present continuous
- se foloseşte când se vorbeşte despre acţiuni ce se petrec in acel moment
- Hi! What are you two doing?
- Nothing really. We’re just talking.
- se foloseşte când se vorbeşte despre acţiuni dintr-un prezent mai lung(dar tot temporal)
- Ex: Are you doing anything interesting these days?
- Yes. I’m learning to drive.
- pentru situaţi care se schimbă
- Ex: Your English is improving!
- pentru a te plânge despre o situaţie temporala
Ex: You’re eating my ice cream!
- chiar si despre obiceiuri folosindu-se mereu “always”
Ex: My sister’s always wearing my clothes!
- unele verbe (stative verbs) nu sunt folosite in mod normal in forma continua
- Ex: That soup smells great!
- I think he’s a composer.
- Vb: appear, seem,
- believe, realise, suppose, think, recognise, understand, know, remember, see (=understand)
- dislike, hate, prefer, love, like, want, wish
- hear, sound, smell, taste
- own, possess, belong, include, need, owe
- mean, matter, surprise
Totuşi unele dintre acestea pot fi folosite intr-un sens diferit ce verbe de acţiune. Atunci pot lua forma continua
- Ex: Why are you smelling your food? Is something wrong?
- Be quiet a minute, I’m thinking!
- se foloseşte pt viitor când se vorbeşte despre aranjamente fixe din viitor(in general nu se poate folosi pentru a înlocui “will”
- Ex: Are you meeting the director tomorrow?
Yes. I’m seeing him at 11 o’clock.
Past simple
- se foloseşte pentru acţiuni ce au avut loc in trecut la un moment determinat
Ex: France won the World Cup in 1998.
- in special pentru o serie de acţiuni terminate
Ex: The girl walked out of the house, got into the car and drove off.
- sau pentru acţiuni repetate
Ex: She stopped three times for petrol and arrived in Vienna 24 hours later.
- Trecutul este fie indicat (1998) fie sugerat (at the time of the story/ at the time we’re talking about)
- Adv: two days ago, last week, yesterday
Past continuous
- Se foloseşte pentru a descrie o scenă din trecut
Ex: We were late and when we got there people were talking, drinking and eating, and some were dancing to the band, which was playing a tango.
- Se foloseşte când se vorbeşte despre ceva care s-a întâmplat deja la un moment din trecut
Ex: At eight o’clock last night, I was watching Tv.
- Se foloseşte in situaţii întrerupte de past simple
Ex: The old miner was looking for water when he saw the gold.
- Observaţi diferenţele dintre: When I got there, Mary was leaving (ea era pe punctul de a pleca oricum) şi When I got there, Mary left (a plecat după ce am venit, din cauza mea)
The future
- WILL Se foloseşte „will” pentru viitor în general şi mai ales pentru
- predicţii
Ex: You’ll love Budapest!
- promisiuni
Ex: I won’t tell anyone your secret
- oferte
Ex: We’ll help you with the washing up, Mum.
- cereri
Ex: Will you give me a ride to school tomorrow?
- Se foloseşte „GOING TO” pentru a vorbe despre
- planuri
Ex: My brother’s going to visit London soon.
- intenţii
Ex: I’m going to buy that magazine.
- Atunci când sunt prezente dovezi ale unei predicţii
Ex: We’re on the last lap and Schumacher’s going to win the Hungarian Grand Prix!
- De cele mai multe ori când going to este folosit cu verbul go verbul este omis.
Ex: I’m going (to go) for a ride. Do you want to come?
- Observaţi diferenţele dintre intenţiile si deciziile luate in acel moment
I’m going to have lunch at the cafeteria.
Good idea! I think I’ll come with you.
- Se foloseşte present continuous să se vorbească despre argumente fixe din viitor.
- Ex: Are you meeting the director tomorrow?
Yes. I’m seeing him at 11 o’clock.
- În general nu se poate folosi present continuous in loc de will.
Ex: It’ll be cold tomorrow.
She will be twenty on 3rd May.
He won’t expect that!
- Se foloseşte present simple pentru a vorbi despre un orar cu referire la viitor
Ex: Our bus arrives at 11.15 on Wednesday morning.
- Se mai poate folosi Present simple după if, when, until, as soon as, before, after, când o alta parte a propoziţiei indică viitorul
Ex: We’ll have plenty of time for lunch if the train arrives on time.
When you get here, we’ll visit the museum.
- Se foloseşte future continuous pentru a vorbi despre acţiuni care se vor întâmpla la un moment din viitor
Ex: In three hours’ time, I’ll be relaxing in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee.
- Se mai poate folosi future continuous in mod similar cam se foloseşte present continuous pentru viitor dar cu mai mult accent pe elementul de viitor
Ex: We’ve enjoyed our stay and we’ll be coming back again next year.
- Se mai poate folosi si cum present continuous nu poate pentru a da ideea unui eveniment ce este repetat in viitor
Ex: He’ll be meeting a lot of different people in his new job.
- Se foloseşte future perfect simple sau continuous pentru ideea că ceva va fi terminat intr-un moment al viitorului.
Ex: You’ll have eaten all the biscuits before the guests arrive if you don’t stop.
By the next month we’ll have been living here for ten years.
- Poate fi folosit în legătură cu un lucru din viitor în acelaşi fel cum prezent perfect poate fi folosit pentru o perioadă până şi ce poate include şi prezentul. Se foloseşte deseori „by”.
By the time I’m 30, I will have spent more than four years watching television.
By the year 2020, we will have used 80% of the world’s oil.
- Întâmplările din viitor care nu sunt prea sigure, aşa ca acest timp este folosit după think, hope, expect, etc:
I think I will have finished my homework by seven o’clock.
I expect we will have started a new book by this time next year.
I hope I will have found a job by the time I leave school.