The proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed” is one of the most known proverbs, and it teaches you that a real friend is a person who is there for you when you need him, it helps you when you have a problem, it keeps your secrets, shares things with you, bares you with all your qualities and defects. Of course, you have to treat all your friends the way you want to be treated and you always have to tell your friend the true, this is the only way to keep a real friend.
A persson, must look at himself inside and outside as like a mirror, not in one deceptive way, you have to reflect your personality without misrepresenting it. The friendship is based on confidence and spirit of sacrifice.
I think nobody could live without friends, no matter how rich or how intelligent you are.
Friendship is the most important term to keep peace on Earth. Without it nobody could live happily an the planet. In our days, very often there is a negative form of friendship manifestation, and I think that teen-agers from all over the world have a different opinion about friendship.
A real friend, always is next to you, when the rest of the world is agenst you.You can count on his support and that he will help you get throw the problem.
This is my opinion about friendship, and I thing that without my friends I couldn’t make face of all the problems I have.
A friend in need is afriend indeed
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- Engleza
- A friend in need is afriend indeed
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