What is graphics and multimedia? First of all, graphics software pertains to any
computer device or program that makes a computer capable of displaying and
manipulating pictures. For example, laser printers and plotters are graphics devices
because they permit computer to output pictures. Software like word processors support
graphics because they let you draw or import pictures. Spreadsheet programs support
graphics because they let you display data in the form of graphs and charts. Such
applications are often referred to as business graphics.
Multimedia has many definitions depending upon whom you ask. A standard
definition follows: Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation,
and video delivered to you by computer or other electronic means. Multimedia can help
to gain and hold attention, make points clearer, stimulate discussion, and in general,
enhance the learning process, if it also includes the appropriate human elements. With the
advent of the computer and other electronic devices, multimedia is now being used a
number of ways in the classroom including PowerPoint lectures, digital slides, digital
videos, case studies, newsgroups, mailing lists, MOOS, MUDS and more. As a student I
can be able to use multimedia and graphics as learning materials like learning
interactively with software's made for a certain subject. It will also allow me to
experience a subject from many angles, giving me deeper understanding of the subject
matter. Using various forms of multimedia and graphics in the classroom also helps to
keep my interest level high when it comes to learning. For work, being a business major,
I think multimedia and graphics will be very useful for me when I make presentations
through PowerPoint or when I make a report and I want to present it with charts and
graphs, which I wouldn't have been able to do without multimedia and graphics. I can
also perform research on the web and without multimedia and graphics I don't think that
would be possible for me to do and it would probably take me more time and effort to
research it in the library rather than from my computer. In conclusion I feel that
multimedia and graphics is the way to go, it can be a very effective tool to communicate,
educate, compel, and convince you and/or your audience.
Graphics & Multimedia
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- Graphics & Multimedia
Bac 2022
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