In the beginning Gates' was mainly concerned and involved with technical
development of new products in order to attract consumers. Since Microsoft controls the
largest percentage of the market than any of its competitors Gates puts more focus on the
organization itself and its employees. Microsoft's mission is to continually advance and
improve software technology and to make it easier, more cost effective and more
enjoyable for people to use computers. In order for Microsoft to continue on its fruitful
path the development of intelligent decision makers, otherwise known as managers, must
be trained. Gates' realizes the importance of every single individual. He also knows he
cannot be at the table to make ever single day-to-day decision, instead of trying to be in a
hundred place at once. Gates' attempts to train well oiled managers. He has even
published articles that reveal his expectations and qualities he attempts to instil into
Microsoft managers. Here are Bill's ten qualities of a good employee: 1. Choose a field
thoughtfully. By choosing a field one enjoys, it makes it easier to generate enthusiasm
towards one's work. This is true for both a manager and an employee. 2. Hire carefully
and be willing to fire. A strong team is vital, because a mediocre team provides mediocre
results, no matter how well it is managed. 3. Create a productive environment. This is a
particular challenge because it requires different approaches depending on the
environment. Sometimes productivity is maximized by providing everybody his or her
own office and other times by moving everybody into open space. Sometimes financial
incentives stimulates productivity and motivation. Usually a mixture of approaches is
necessary to reach desired productivity. 4. Define success. This is done by providing
employees with a clear definition of success and how they should measure their
achievements. Goals must be realistic. For example, project schedules must be set those
who actually do the work. People will accept a bottom-up deadline they helped set, but
maybe overwhelmed by a schedule imposed from upper management that doesn't map
reality. Unachievable goals undermine an organization. 5. To be a good manager, you
have to like people and be good at communicating. This quality is generally impossible to
fake. If an individual doesn't genuinely enjoy interacting with people it will be hard to
manage well. 6. Develop your people to do their jobs better than you can. Transfer your
skills to them. This is an exciting goal, but it can be threatening to a manger that is
worried about training his replacement. Many managers like to see their employees
increase their responsibility because it frees them up to tackle new or undone tasks. 7.
Build morale. It should be made clear there's plenty of good will to go around and that
there is not just one hotshot manager getting all the credit. Explain to employees the
importance of their work to the company and customers. Giving people a sense of
importance increases motivation to complete the task to the best of their ability and
provides the feeling of satisfaction after completion. 8. Take on projects yourself.
Managers need to do more than communicate. Nobody wants to work for a boss who just
delegates tasks. It is important for a manager from time to time to take on less attractive
task to provide examples of how his or her employees should meet challenges. 9. Don't
make the same decision twice. Managers should have the confidence in their well
thought out decision in order to not leave any avenues open for rediscussion. A manager
should never have to second-guess himself or herself. 10. Let people know whom to
please. It should be made clear whom employees have to please, whether it’s the
manager, the manager’s boss or someone else higher up. There is a risk of paralysis when
employees start to question whom they are supposed to make happy. The beauty of Gates'
tips is they are pretty much common sense, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to incorporate
these aspects into his or her employee. Making processes clear and simple always seems
to accomplish the goals was set out to. Gates' believes in talking with employees and
customers rather than talking at them. By conducting conversations individuals,
especially customers, can understand and allow them to provide feedback that is taken
into consideration allows Gates' to build a lasting and trusting relationship with
employees and customers.
Bill Gates
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- Bill Gates
Bac 2022
- Calendarul examenului de Bacalaureat 2022 sesiunea august-septembrie
- Modele de subiecte pentru Bacalaureat 2022 la toate materiile
- Examenul national de bacalaureat 2022 Metodologie Programe Calendar
- Sesiunea Speciala: Calendarul examenului de Bacalaureat 2022
- Programa de Bacalaureat 2022 la toate disciplinele
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- 75 exemple de Bilete Limba Romana Oral Proba A
- Limba Romana: Subiectul I
- Limba Romana: Subiectul al II-lea
- Limba Romana: Subiectul al III-lea
- Lectii Limba Romana pentru examenul de Bacalaureat
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- 100 de Variante Rezolvate la Matematica
eBacalaureat pe:
- Solutii pentru ESEU ISTORIE Tabele ajutatoare pentru rezolvarea subiectului III de bacalaureat la proba de istorie (Istorie)
- Glossa de Mihai Eminescu - Redacteaza un eseu de minimum 400 de cuvinte, in care sa prezinti particularitati ale unui text poetic studiat, apartinand lui Mihai Eminescu (Romana)
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- Subiecte extrase Bacalaureat 2022 Sesiunea iunie-iulie la toate materiile Publicate de Centrul National pentru Evaluare in Educatie edu
- Modele de subiecte pentru Bacalaureat 2022 la toate materiile
- Sesiunea august-septembrie 2022 a Examenului National de Bacalaureat 2022
- 22 iunie 2022 Proba la alegere a profilului și specializarii proba E d) - proba scrisa la: Fizica, Chimie, Biologie, Informatica, Geografie, Filosofie, Logica si argumentare, Economie, Psihologie, Sociologie
- 21 iunie 2022 Proba obligatorie a profilului - proba E.c) - proba scrisă la Matematica si Istorie - Subiecte extrase