Model de subiect si barem Limba Engleza Proba scrisa Bacalaureat 2019
Model de subiect si barem Limba Engleza Proba orala Bacalaureat 2019
Examenul de bacalaureat național 2019
Proba C de evaluare a competențelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulație internațională studiată pe parcursul învățământului liceal
Proba de înțelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleză
Toate filierele, profilurile și specializările/ calificările
Model de subiect bacalaureat 2019
- Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
- Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 20 de minute.
(40 de puncte) |
You will hear a woman talking about how lawyers help people. For questions 1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1.Normally, what do lawyers try to do?
A.settle disputes in court
B.settle disputes before court
C.settle disputes after court
D.settle disputes at parties
2.What does 'pro bono' mean?
A.The lawyer is very good.
B.The lawyer is professional.
C.The lawyer works for free.
D.The lawyer is very expensive.
3.What do lawyers explain?
A.leases school
C.their case history
D.foreign affairs
4.What kind of law will the woman practice?
A.children's law
B.labour law
C.aviation law
D.economy law
(60 de puncte) |
You will hear an interview with the Prime Minister of the U.K., Theresa May, about Brexit. For questions 5 – 10, choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
5.Why is Brexit a historic moment for the U.K.?
A.It is a formal process of negotiations that involves all E.U. members.
B.The referendum on 23 June was the only one in the U.K.
C.Theresa May suggests that.
D.The British politicians implement what was decided in the referendum.
6.According to Theresa May, the British voted to leave the E.U. because
A.they considered they were not respected by the other E.U. members.
B.of the unfair treatment of the E.U. members.
C.they wanted to have a society based on honesty.
D.they wanted to preserve their customs and traditions.
7.By voting to leave the E.U., the British prove that
A.they were dissatisfied with the E.U. government.
B.they wanted to have control over their foreign affairs.
C.they didn’t like to be ruled.
D.they are very determined.
8.When referring to immigration, Theresa May states that
A.many more people will move to the U.K. in the future.
B.many E.U. members will have to leave the U.K.
C.after Brexit, it will be an uncontrolled phenomenon. was the reason why most British people wanted to leave the E.U.
9.While in the E.U., the British were not able to
A.control the number of immigrants.
B.control their borders.
C.set rules for immigrants.
D.all of the above.
10.Does Theresa May reveal what rules will be for the E.U. citizens who move to the U.K?
A.No, as the British politicians are still looking for solutions.
B.No, and, according to her, they are useless.
C.Yes, but they have long?term effects.
D.Yes, but they haven’t been voted by the MPs.
(40 de puncte) |
4 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 40 de puncte |
1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-C. |
(60 de puncte) |
6 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 60 de puncte |
5-D; 6-C; 7-C; 8-D; 9-D; 10-A. |
Nivelul de competență se va acorda în funcție de punctajul obținut, după cum urmează:
- : |
0-10 |
puncte |
A1: |
11 |
- 30 |
puncte |
A2: |
31 |
- 60 |
puncte |
B1: |
61 |
- 80 |
puncte |
B2: |
81 |
- 100 |
puncte |